
Showing posts from January, 2018

Program Development PART 3

System Design Technique There are two system design techniques, given as follows: Top-Down Design- The top-down design technique is based on the fact that large problems become more manageable if they are divided into a number of smaller and simpler tasks which can be tackled separately. The top-down design approach is performed in a special way. the main program is written first. it is tested before some programs are written. for this, actual subprograms are replaced with stubs. the study simply tests to see if the data is passed correctly. after the main program is written and check, is module is written and tested in turn. this should first be done without the main program in order to let us stuff is an error occurs. Bottom-Up Design- In the bottom-up approach, it is usually assumed that the basic proteins created will be general enough to be used more than once. using the subroutines, to construct a program save repeating the same lines of code by using it. A bottom-up app...

Program Development PART 2

 Computer Programming Computer programs are written using one of the programming languages Fortran, c, C++, and so on. a program has a set of instructions written in correct order to get the desired result. the method of writing the instructions to solve the given problem is called programming. Programming Techniques There are two types of programming techniques commonly used:- Procedural programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) Procedural programming : In procedural programming for a given program variables are identified and instructions are written using the variables in the correct sequence to get the required result. Sometimes the program may require unconditional transfer to control from one part stop the program to another using GOTO statements. This can be avoided by writing the statement sequence using many blocks is called structured program.             The president programming method is commonly used to solve scientific a...

Program Development PART 1

Computer Program A computer is an electronic device capable of manipulating numbers and symbols under the control of a set of instructions known as a computer program directs the computer solve a particular problem and display results. Computer programs are written using programming languages such BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, C, C++, ALGOL and so on Purpose of Program Planning Suppose we are asked by our teacher to solve an arithmetic problem and we are not familiar with the step involved in solving that problem. In such a situation we will not be able to solve the problem. The same principle applies to the writing computer program also a programmer cannot write instructions to be followed by a computer unless the programmed known how to solve the problem manually. Suppose we know the step to be followed for solving the given problem but while solving the problem, we forget to apply some of the steps in the sequence. Obviously, we will get the wrong answer. Sim...