Program Development PART 1

Computer Program
A computer is an electronic device capable of manipulating numbers and symbols under the control of a set of instructions known as a computer program directs the computer solve a particular problem and display results. Computer programs are written using programming languages such BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, C, C++, ALGOL and so on
Purpose of Program Planning
Suppose we are asked by our teacher to solve an arithmetic problem and we are not familiar with the step involved in solving that problem. In such a situation we will not be able to solve the problem. The same principle applies to the writing computer program also a programmer cannot write instructions to be followed by a computer unless the programmed known how to solve the problem manually.
Suppose we know the step to be followed for solving the given problem but while solving the problem, we forget to apply some of the steps in the sequence. Obviously, we will get the wrong answer. Similarly, while writing a computer program, if the programmer leaves out some of the instructions for the computer alright the instruction in the wrong sequence. Then the computer will calculate a wrong answer this to produce an effective computer program, it is necessary that the programmer writes instruction in the proper sequence. The program must be planned before they are written.
To solve a problem using computer what has gone through the following steps:-
  1. The problem is identified and analysed.
  2. The method for the solution is broken down into a sequence of Elementary tasks.
  3. After the religious of the task, the analysis of the data is done and the information and documents relevant to the program are collected.
  4. The data analysis is 10 followed by identifying the outputs to be produced layout, the input required and operation required to produce the needed output.
  5. Paste on all the above analysis a solution sources are called algorithm is designed it must be kept in mind that the algorithm must be precise, concise and unambiguous.
  6. The next step after algorithm design is to express this algorithm in an appropriate notation.
  7. If in the testing phase some errors are encountered, then looking at the nature of error the program is evaluated and then the errors are removed. This phase is called debugging.


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